Hello Everyone,
I am writing this newsletter in hopes it will help people who have experienced the trauma of dealing with a fire and the challenges such an event brings. Feel free to pass on the information. During these times of crisis such information can be invaluable.
I will relate a true story of a woman fleeing a fire some years ago in CA that I worked with as it shows you how important the use of homeopathy can be during a crisis. Before each condition she experienced I will name the remedy.
Aconite 200c:
I suggested this particular remedy for a woman who texted me while fleeing a terrible fire in CA a few years ago. She fortunately was able to drive out from the area and also had a homeopathic kit in her car. Bravo to her! I suggested she take a dose or Aconite 200c to deal with her intense fright so she could stay focused on her driving. She did this and and escaped staying calm.
This is a very valuable remedy when experiencing intense fear. I used it one time when someone was going through a military coup in another country and felt she would die. She escaped no problem but later texted me she was still in shock and was still extremely frightened even though she was no longer in any danger. After I suggested she take Aconite 200c twice 15 minutes apart she no longer experienced any PTSD afterwards. Even I was surprised at how well it worked for her!
Carbo veg 200c
The same woman who fled her home in CA from the fire texted me that she was now having trouble breathing. I suggested she immediately take a few doses of Carbo Veg. 200c. A half hour later later she told she was breathing very well.
Euphrasia 200c
I told this same woman to keep in contact with me. Two hours later she texted me that her eyes were really irritating her. It was a large fire that created a lot of smoke. I suggested Euphrasia 200c as often as she needed it. She reported a half hour later that she was doing better and decided to go stay with friends.
Ignatia amara 200c
Two days later she contacted me again and said she was feeling upset and sad about all her loss. The whole experience was just hitting her now emotionally. I suggested she take a few doses ofIgnatia amara 200c a few times a day for this feeling. She texted me the next day and said she was doing well on the Ignatia amara and taking it as needed.
If you experience loss of any kind like loved ones, homes, possessions, then Ignatia amara 200c could help heal you from your grief. It doesn’t change your circumstances but it helps you deal with it better.
So homeopathy is invaluable when you are going through a crisis and require acute care. It is best to have a homeopathic emergency kit and know how to use it.
Two other remedies that can be helpful during a fire are Arsenicum album 200c and Kali Bichromicum 200c.
The use of both remedies is described very well in the excellent article by Miranda Castro on
Fire and Smoke: https://mirandacastro.com/fires-smoke/
A second article worthing reading about fire and homeopathy comes from a Vancouver homeopath:https://vancouverhomeopath.com/discover-homeopathy-for-wildfires/
I hope all this information helps you or someone you know.
If you are interested in learning more about using a homeopathic kit for emergencies, I am offering a Special discount (only $50.00) for a private one one one hour class on How to Use a Homeopathic kit for Emergencies during the month of January. (regular price $75.00) please email me for details.
If you are interested in booking a consultation with me or just have questions, please contact me at betsey@betseybeaven.net or call me at 978-806-7966.
Be well,