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Autumn Equinox

Hello Everyone,

As we approach the Autumn equinox in the Northern hemisphere, it is a special time to seek what we can do to achieve more balance and harmony in life.

After the exuberance, heat, and expansion of the summer, we begin the process of slowing down to embrace the change of season.

The Autumn equinox is an annual celestial event which reminds us that the energies of light and dark offer us an occasion to be more aware of the cycles of life and death. For a period of 24 hours the earth achieves a special kind of balance between day and night.

A few questions to ponder at this auspicious time are:

-How will you achieve more balance in your life?

-What will you harvest this fall for yourself?

-How can you move forward on your healing path and soul's journey?

-Finally, how can homeopathy assist you in this process we call living?

In my own work with people, it never ceases to amaze me how some tiny sugar pills can help a person shift in unexpected ways.

We are living during challenging, exciting, and shifting times and many people I meet are moving away from painkillers, antidepressants, and dangerous drugs that block important functionings of the body.

I am finding more and more doctors, nurses, therapists, and other professionals open to holistic ways of healing. How exciting!

More parents are seeking less medications for their children too.

When I see such a shift in consciousness taking place I know this awareness will only expand!

I recently worked with someone who was in tremendous physical joint pain and was ready to go back to pain killers. It took me some time, keen observation, and persistence to eventually help this person. After taking the most similar remedy (Rhus tox) in the best potency everything resolved itself. It also gave this person an opportunity to access her life, find more balance, and most of all love herself more.

In this case a quantum dose of a homeopathic remedy derived from nature impressed upon me how we are nature, not separate from it.

In many ways this is a profound insight which I don't focus on in my everyday consults with people but at certain times become more aware of it.

So often I hear from people this time of year who want homeopathic help transitioning from summer to fall.

It could be a mom whose child is anxious when going back to school (Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Calcarea carb), or a woman who gets terrible allergies with ragweed each fall, (Ambrosia), or a teacher traumatized by school shootings, (Ignatia amara, Aconite).

Change of seasons are much like the changes of life, we often need some assistance to move through them. If you know what homeopathic remedies help you the most, they are like "quantum guides" which lend us support when we most need them.

What many people do not know about homeopathy is the tremendous benefits it can provide for people who are seriously depressed, suicidal, and even violent. Various cancers are responding to homeopathic treatment too.

As addiction rates to conventional drugs, opioids, and other side effect producing medications soar, homeopathy offers hope in gentle, effective, and safe ways.

I recently worked with a woman who decided to get off her medications for insomnia, cholesterol, and even anti-depressants. I had not advised her to do this, but when we did a follow up she told me she decided to do it! She accomplished this after two weeks of homeopathic treatment.

Normally I would advise someone to work with the doctor who prescribed the medications and set up a withdrawal schedule, but she did it on her own. The correct remedy was the catalyst for her.

I believe the tremendous success homeopathy had world wide treating acute Covid and now long haul Covid, helped open the door for many people to embrace homeopathy and more holistic healing ways. You just won't hear about it on the news or social media!

As we know from indigenous ways of healing, Nature is our greatest divine teacher from within, for She reminds us that the same force that created dis-ease, can also heal it.

I love this quote from from Voices in the Stones, Life Lessons from the Native Way, by Kent Nerburn:

"We look to children to learn what we have forgotten, and to elders to remind us of who we will become."

Finally, if you have a healing story you would like to share with me, please feel free to contact me.

If you are interested in booking a consult with me or just have some questions, please contact me at or give me a call at 978-806-7966.

Be well,



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