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Initial Consultation
$175 | 1 hour 30 minutes
This is an hour and half plus comprehensive consultation where I do a thorough review all your chronic health issues in depth. I collect information to find a homeopathic remedy that will most energetically help you move forward in a healing direction. A questionnaire will be sent out to you to complete and send back to me for review before we meet.
How To Use A Homeopathic Kit
for Emergencies, Fevers & Flus
$75 | 1 hour 30 minutes
This is an in depth hour plus of learning how to use a Homeopathic kit for most emergencies. I teach the fundamental principles of healing with homeopathy, a brief history, and then focus on which remedies can be used for acute emergencies including trauma, fevers, flues. It is a practical course designed to provide information to assist most acute situations.